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Prayer, Faith, and Patience

Prayer, Faith, and Patience Prayer. When we feel lost and broken, remember the power of prayer and the importance of having faith and patience.  Prayer is powerful in that it connects us with the Divine and cultivates inner peace.  Whether praying for yourself or using it to transform the lives of another person or persons, prayer helps to provide inner strength and guides you along this life’s journey.  Faith. Faith transforms. Faith strengthens. Faith is so powerful that it transcends religious beliefs and personal circumstances. Coupled with hope and belief, faith can help us find purpose in life. It can shift us past life’s challenges by meeting them head-on and helping us push through them.  Faith in its simplest form is a general sense of having trust in a higher power, the universe, or in yourself.  Faith differs from belief in that it isn’t accepting something as true based on any seen evidence or personal experience. Faith is the trust that you have tha...



Prayer intertwined with faith and patience helps us navigate life. Prayer is powerful. It is what we need to assist us in connecting with The Divine Source. It also helps to cultivate the inner peace that we all want. Prayer isn’t about religion; it is more spiritual than anything. It helps us tap into the resources that we have within. Prayer connects us with a higher power that will help us find comfort during the difficult moments we all must face in this life.

What exactly is prayer? As previously stated, prayer isn’t about any religion, it’s a form of communication; communication between you and God, a higher power, the universe, or our higher self. Prayer can be silent or spoken aloud. It can be in a group setting or intimate and private; it can even be practiced during meditation. Prayer can be used to express gratitude, to ask for help or guidance in a particular area, or to find comfort in times of difficulty or sorrow.                                                                          

Prayer is personal, yet it can be so transformative as to affect the lives of the many people with whom we connect daily. A sense of peace and clarity as well as an enhancement of our spiritual growth and development are possible through prayer.

There are many reasons we pray as there are many types of prayer. A prayer may include one or many of the following:

Intercessory Prayer: When we pray for others.

Contemplative Prayer: When we silently meditate and reflect on things of importance.

Gratitude Prayer: When we express thankfulness or gratitude for the blessings in our life.

Petitionary Prayer: When we ask for help or guidance.

Community Prayer: When we pray as a group or with a community.

Prayer of Surrender: When we let go of control or the outcome and trust in God, the Divine Source, or a higher power.

Making prayer a habit can bring about inner peace. Peace to our hearts and our minds. To help achieve this, try to set aside a specific day, time, and/or place for prayer. As for me, even though I pray constantly, unceasingly, and daily, I set aside every Tuesday for Intercessory and Petitionary prayer. This is something that I really look forward to. It brings me comfort and a sense of stability, especially during these times of uncertainty. And the consistency in doing this has made me feel like I am, even in a small way, being of service.

When we create a designated day, time, or place for prayer it helps to create consistency. The place can be a place out in nature or a quiet corner in our homes. The time can be as open as it needs to be, like just being on a Tuesday, or as specific as an exact time. Do what works for YOU. Begin small and be consistent. Consistency is key. Consistency is what helps turn something into a habit or a routine.

Along with consistency, it is important and helpful to find a prayer that resonates with you, your values, and your beliefs. Doing this can give meaning and make your prayers more powerful. 

As you pray, remember to also give thanks. Thankfulness and gratitude can be shown before, during, and/or after prayer. When you give thanks while praying it helps to bring things to balance. A balance of positivity and hope with any difficulties you may be facing. And as you pray, visualize the outcomes you are praying about. Visualize positive results. Visualization adds power to your prayers and petitions. It makes them feel more concrete and effective.

Letting go and trusting in the higher power might be the most difficult part of all. The phrase, Let Go and Let God comes to mind. The higher power can be whatever name you want to call it, just trust that your needs and the needs of others will be met in perfect timing. This type of knowledge helps to bring about a sense of peace and comfort in knowing that you have been of service to and assisted others.

As you pray for yourself and others, be specific. Be specific about what you and they need or what you and they are struggling with. Also, use words that are positive and create a sense of hope for yourself and the person or people you are praying for.

Prayer as a tool or resource, is POWERFUL. Let it help connect you with your inner self. Let it help foster a sense of humility and surrender. Trust that you along with your inner strength and that higher power, can guide you along life’s journey.

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